Tuesday 10 July 2018

How to get Kim Kardashian’s look through eyebrow feathering


There is a relatively new trend that is making waves in the fashion and beauty industry. Eyebrow feathering in Sydney works to tattoo hair onto the skin. The likes of Kim Kardashian are seen flaunting those perfectly bushy brows. It didn’t take long enough for women to follow suit. This is done to create a natural-looking, full brow. The technique is carried out by makeup artists to shape the eyebrow. It is a delicate operation done on the face and needs to be carried out by someone reliable. After all, it is a matter of the face and you can’t afford that anything should go wrong with it. Now the question arises, who would be the right candidate for this treatment?

It is commonly observed that eyebrow pencil or dyes are used to achieve that fullness and boldness. But all that hassle can be avoided through micro feathering.  An expert in this field has shared her experience related to some of the common mishaps she has witnessed. Clients come in to get their brows corrected after they have faced problems the first time. Unfortunately, there are many unqualified beauty therapists working as quacks. This is a grave problem that needs to be rectified and that can only be done by regulating the feathering industry. The problems have been put together to give a detailed insight of what can go wrong with micro feathering.

We have a terrifying situation at hand where there are so called experts with absolutely no knowledge of anatomy of the skin. They don’t even have the slightest idea of ways to minimize the risk if anything goes wrong.  

A major blunder committed by beauticians is to go too deep which results in skin bleeding. Another common mistake is the inability to understand the skin tone. This happens when the operator has zero understanding of which colors have minerals that are best absorbed by a certain skin tone. It also happens when selecting the wrong blade. A lot of training is required to master this technique. The incumbent should know how to properly lift the blade.  Anyone looking to gain experience in this field should also acquaint themselves with color pigmentation. They should know that 2 to 3 color pigments are used to create dimension. What happens is that when one color is used, it creates a monochromatic result, and this gives a drawn on look. Essentially the strokes should be curved and not upright. This soft look can be created with a bendable needle. Low pressure needs to be applied so that a soft look is crafted and not a squared one. After having the treatment, the client is instructed to avoid all kinds of hair removal treatments on their brow area for six to eight weeks. This includes, waxing, threading and tweezing.

Eyebrow feathering in Sydney is par excellence as their satisfied customer base speaks volumes of its expertise. Once done right, you can’t tell the difference between real hairs and micro feather brows. It is especially beneficial for those suffering from alopecia.


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