Wednesday 16 August 2017

Benefits of pregnancy massage by a certified therapist

Massage has been used for a long time to improve overall health. It helps to reduce stress and relieve muscle tension. Prenatal massage therapy has often received contradictory responses from the health community due to concerns on safety.

According to recent researches, an important consideration is given to pregnancy massage therapy. There are many institutions that provide a massage training for pregnant women. You can easily hire a certified therapist for a pregnancy massage in Sydney. Doctors recommend massage as an alternative therapy for a pregnant woman.

Pregnancy is a time when your body changes and it brings many aches in the later stages. Massage performed during pregnancy can help decrease symptoms of anxiety, relieve joint pains and muscle pains reduce anxiety and improve newborn health and labor outcomes. Moms- to- be can reap many benefits from pregnancy massage. These include both, mental and physical benefits.
Pregnancy massage helps to transport oxygen that nourishes other cells of the body. It provides better oxygen supplies to the baby. It helps to soothe the muscle around the lungs. It increases elasticity and flexibility of the skin.

Let us look at the benefits of pregnancy massage:
Treat anemia:
As the demands of your body increase during the pregnancy, iron deficiency is common at this stage. In the condition hemoglobin in the blood is produced in the less quantity. With the iron intake and full body massage helps to boost lymph and body circulation. In addition to that, it will help to improve tiredness. Circulation will raise red blood cells and it will produce more hemoglobin.
Improve sciatica:
As the uterus and baby grow, it will lead to compressing the sciatic nerve and due to this pregnant woman experience sciatic pain in the sole of the foot, down the thigh and lower part of the leg. A gentle massage will help to relieve pain.
Reduce swelling:
Swelling of joints and edema during pregnancy is often caused by augmented pressure on the main blood vessels and reduced circulation due to the heavy weight uterus. Massage will help to lessen a number of fluids in swollen joints. This will also help to improve the body’s lymph system.
Pregnancy backache:
As the baby grows inside the uterus, the body posture changes which lead to the upper and lower backache. Massage will help to loosen any tight muscle and will relieve back pain.
Hormone regulation:
Recent researches revealed that the hormone level is associated with relaxation. Stress level began to significantly improve when the pregnancy therapy introduced. This helps to improve mood as well as cardiovascular health. Women who get a bi-weekly massage, their dopamine and serotonin levels increase.  If the level of these hormones gets low it will lead to depression.
Stretch marks:
As the baby bump grows, this will cause tightness and stretch marks on your skin. Massaging your belly with a good nourishing oil can help to soothe and moisturize your skin.
Pregnancy massage helps to prevent morning sickness, high blood pressure, extreme nausea, heavy vaginal discharge whether it be watery or bloody, diabetes, pre-eclampsia, cramping, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting or contagious illness. So get a pregnancy massage in Sydney and reap all the benefits.


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